A New Dog!!
actually, not so much a 'new' dog as an old starving, ailing smelly stray dog. He looks like he is a purebred blue tick hunting dog but he's soo emaciated it's scary. He seems gentle and he has been doing ok with our dogs but we'll see.
We went out earlier to put our dogs out and he was standing on the porch. I took one look at how skinny he was and said "well, I can't have that" and got him food.. Joel gave one of those sighs that hubby's get when they realize that they're directly in the path of the crap coming out of the fan and there's no way to duck and said "I'll get him some water". I had to promise to start looking in the paper and print up flyers to take around. The deal is if no one claims him in a timely fashion, we take him to a shelter where they won't kill him. I asked my beloved what would happen if, when the time comes to take the animal away, I start to cry and get all clingy and decide I can't part with the pooch and he said "well, then I guess we have three dogs but I want you to really TRY to find this dogs owner and really commit to the shelter' Which I agreed to. I was also told it would be a bad idea to name the dog and I can see why but I guess I don't see the harm in finding something to call him for the time being. ;-) We have a bed fixed up for him now in Jasmine's old cage with some blankets and a plastic tablecloth to keep the rain off.