Happy Belated Thanksgiving

We survived the holiday and all the food. My sister found a tip on a recipe site that suggested cooking leftover stuffing in the crockpot instead of beside the turkey in the oven.. A most excellent suggestion, btw. My brother and sis-in-law got to come up and we got temporary custody of my niece's best friend who is rapidly becoming a member of the family. I joined in with friends on facebook a few weeks before in trying to post a different thing to be thankful for in status for each day leading to thanksgiving.. quite the challenge to not repeat yourself or each other. It was a wonderful excercise having to think of all the good in my life.. The bad is easy to think of and complain about but to really concentrate on the good proved to be a challenge that made me think about how I see things from day to day. So, now, my thanksgiving resolution is to try and think of one thing every single day that I'm truly thankful for every day..

Happy Belated Thanksgiving


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