Back to work(ing)

Working on the house, that is. Still no job for my happy hobo self. Hubby is still greatly entertained by calling me a kept woman. We have started making a family room area in the basement. I personally thought that we'd deal with flooring and walls and insulation and heat first but, I was shown the error of my ways and we got a big TV to start with. He was fortunate enough to get a bonus this year mostly due to his hard work so I did want him to have something to enjoy it with and we haven't had a new tv in a long time. So, the new tv is downstairs on an old desk with older chairs in front of it waiting on our first fun and games night. I did get to order new furniture for the living room out of the deal so I shouldn't poke fun. We're actually starting to live like other people.. real furniture instead of hand me downs and cheapie stuff, finished walls and ceilings. By the time our 20th anniversary hits this year, we might be living like grownups. Perish the thought


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