
Showing posts from October, 2008

Happy Halloween

Me after Karate

actually, this kind of looks like me during karate class.
We had our second really good hard frost of the year just a few days ago. My whole flower bed is just about gone and my pumpkin vine has had it. It was really beautiful out side with the sun hitting the frost covered fields so I ran out and took pictures. I participated in a craft show at church with a disappointing turn out. I had a lot of fun chatting with people I hadn't seen in a while, still... anybody wanna buy a wreath?

My hubby, my hero.

Our cat got a mouse a couple of nights ago and my beloved hubby ended up chasing the poor terrified thing all over the basement including straight up the wall toward the living room. It was actually kind of cute --- only about an inch long. I got many dirty looks for laughing as he tried to prevent it from running up into the living room without actually touching it while simultaneously trying not to step on the three big hunter cats standing at his feet. Every time he impeded the mouse's upward progress, it ran down to where the cats were jumping up to try and catch it. I got him a coffee can and we put a hole in the lid for some air and returned him into the wild the next day.. to be more specific, it was my beloved hubby who traipsed out into the back forty thru the wet tall grass to find a suitible home for Mousie. And, because he has been married to me for nearly 20 years didn't even laugh or roll his eyes when I pointed out we have an old hamster cage and that by releasin...

Update on the 'new' pooch

I realize that this will come as an enormous shock to everyone but he's staying. We were at the vets today. Dr. P checked and didn't find any micro chip or anything that indicates an owner. Blue ticks can be a pretty expensive dog so finding one stray in such bad shape is kind of rare. We found out that he has: hookworm -------- pretty ferocious case fibroid tumors-----harmless infected gums------not bad a heart murmur----never harmless but not bad Heartworm --------dun dun duuunnnnnn (dramatic scary music) He's also nearly deaf and about 10 years old which is getting to be an old man for this breed. I don't feel right taking him to a shelter so sick and so contagious. Fortunately, the heartworm is a "light" case. We could put him on the aggressive arsenic treatment but it's dangerous and expensive. We lost one dog that way already. Fortunately, the vet said that if we just keep on the tri -heart brand preventative heartworm pills for a year, it'll...

Deuce's quiz link

Ok, so maybe I do watch way too many movies. . . . But I didn't even get fifty percent on the dog one.

Tim Stone

Tuesday, we went to calling hours for a cousin of Joel's. Being Christian myself, I was happy to find out that he was also and actively so. It takes some of the sting out of losing someone to feel that their presence exists even if they are not present. I am always very touched to see family at a funeral. I wonder if we make ourselves go to funerals of people we sometimes barely know.... to be seen more than to see. To let the family know that we're 'there' for them. There was a term that I heard several times growing up... it was " a show of numbers" or "make a presence". It was something insisted on at weddings and funerals and graduations. It was important to my grandmother as she faced heart surgery just a day before a cousin's wedding that the rest of us all go to the wedding. She didn't want my cousin to turn around on her wedding day to see an empty church. I remember as a teenager taking comfort in the number of people in the guest bo...

Another Paintball Saturday.

What a great day! Great weather and great people. I have the most fun afterward.. I get to cook lots and BS lots. It's always amazing to me how late it's gotten when we're alone after everyone else has gone home. Thanks so much to all who came. Here's the Mac and cheese recipe

A New Dog!!

actually, not so much a 'new' dog as an old starving, ailing smelly stray dog. He looks like he is a purebred blue tick hunting dog but he's soo emaciated it's scary. He seems gentle and he has been doing ok with our dogs but we'll see. We went out earlier to put our dogs out and he was standing on the porch. I took one look at how skinny he was and said "well, I can't have that" and got him food.. Joel gave one of those sighs that hubby's get when they realize that they're directly in the path of the crap coming out of the fan and there's no way to duck and said "I'll get him some water". I had to promise to start looking in the paper and print up flyers to take around. The deal is if no one claims him in a timely fashion, we take him to a shelter where they won't kill him. I asked my beloved what would happen if, when the time comes to take the animal away, I start to cry and get all clingy and decide I can't part wi...